Sunday, January 27, 2008


I just finished reading about wikis, and as usual I am in a wiki (i.e. in a hurry).
The wiki that most impressed me was the library Success wiki ( The concept is just great:"venue where people can share ideas with one another and where librarians can learn to replicate the successes of other libraries".
There is a long list of subjects to check out, and one can easily get hooked and drift off by linking to other websites, checking out other libraries websites etc. There are so many interesting things to explore!...
Some of the subjects that I was looking into was what programs do some libraries offer to the poor and homeless, book recommendations, how to write/share your book reviews on Open worldcat etc.
There is definitely sooo much to check out and so little time, WIKI WIKI WIKI.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

About the iNTRO TO BPL2

The introduction was very informative and very "dense" if you did read all the attached documents. Some graphics and comparisons were a little frightening, and made me feel like a cromagnon getting updated on the latest trends on the internet. On the other hand, anytime there was some familiar website mentioned, I felt a lot more confident.
The way things are progressing on the internet is mind boggling. I am often curious about the general opinions on news happening overseas (i.e. in my home country, Spain) but the most striking thing is that opften the vulgar, and most critical folks that love reality TV are the same ones posting on the Newspapers opinion blogs.
Anyway, I hope to learn a lot. Even from THOSE folks!

Hugo first GROWN-UP PEE

This may be a posting not that interesting for a lot of people, but it made big news at my house yesterday evening when it happened.
With many prior experiences flushing and dipping things down the toilet, Hugo took a pee in the toilet for the first time!
We all cheered with joy! Is this it?... no more diapers in a near future...

New Blog experience

I am the new kid on the blog! This is pretty fun but a little intimidating...

Hopefully not many people will be reading this.