Monday, February 4, 2008


The real simple syndication, alias, RSS; is a great way to have all your research funnelled to one single page where you can view all new articles at a glance. It saves you a lot of time, by not surfing the web in search of the subjects that you are interested in. It is a very convenient tool to reseach a topic for work or private use.
This is a link to my feeds as an example:
If you have not noticed my bulging belly, my research on pregnancy matters might be a hint, that in mid-june I will be taking a little vacation to welcome into this wold a little brother for Hugo.
Libraries could use this technology to get the latest reviews and list of BEST SELLERS; it would allow the adquisitions department to know what items are most popular; and would allow Reference and the Readers Advisory to know what are the best rated books, films or other media.